21 January 2010

Game over sez the Mac Daddy

I really am working on my house but I received a letter from a fellow Apple Alum that I wanted to share...
My dear,
I was thinking about what we were talking about today. About how hard it is to watch porn on the iPhone. Somewhere the back of my brain kept working after we stopped talking, and after a while I hit upon an idea. Let's say Apple could come up with some sort of device that was bigger than an iPhone, but not nearly as bulky as one of their laptops. I mean, who wants to carry around even a twelve inch laptop (with all that weight!) just so you can download and watch porn?

But something a little smaller. I don't even think you would need a keyboard, if you did it right. I mean, what good is a keyboard with porn, anyway?
I sat down and wrote a short email to Steve Jobs, remember that guy that works at Apple, and I told him what I was thinking about. I even suggested a couple of names: iPorn is soooo obvious, but iSquirt sort of gives it that pipsqueak appeal that good go a long way in the marketplace.

Well, anyway, I just pulled into my driveway when I got an email back from Steve Jobs, (thank god for Mobile Me and that push email!) and here's what he said:
"Friend, that's a good idea you have. In fact, Apple has been working on something very similar to what you described to me. Keep your eyes peeled for the next week or so."

Your fellow Kool-aid drinker Apple Alum

Dear Maverick Genius missing Bro of Stevie,
It really is exciting...last fall I held the new model Kindle in my hands and I thought it was kinda okay and felt pretty good...but it wasn't a color screen and of course the interface wasn't Apple and the hardware wasn't designed by cousin Jonny Ive and it needed to be a tad bigger, and it had limited applications...okay none, and oh and then there was the sound to contend with...and...and...and...
Sooooo, I naturally am very excited, okay jonesing about the iSquirt announcement on the 27th...well, I mean how couldn't we be, they programmed us for life with that initiation chip on my first day at Infinite Loop...or is it Infinite Chip?
Those losers at Amazon they think upping the royalties is going to make a difference and how about announcing its first-ever software developer's kit for anyone who wants to create active content for its the Kindle....ready NEXT month...hahahhahaa ROFL
Don't worry about not having your Apple discount anymore, your stock price should swell and you'll be able to afford the spendy but how can you not afford it price tag.
Game over sez the Mac Daddy.


  1. I saw Steve Jobs present the new IPAD today...it is exactly what you have asked for. Congratulations on being so forward-thinking.


  2. except it should be called the iCahChing...bringing in lots of sheckles for the Mac Daddy
