I broke up with him so why the wailing? Maybe the problem was/is he was supposed to have a few more issues resolved at this point in his life than he did OR maybe really down deep in there somewhere I realized I left Vonipcreed to avoid choosing the trim color and accent color and thus the spontaneous squirting of tears...FFS .
On a lighter note but also adding to the twilight zone effect (TZE) of the weekend was going on a first date with someone that has the same name as my ex man-child boyfriend which I thought was going to be huge problem in terms of reference, but no, no, no Amy my "girl rabbi" in Palo Alto swiftly designated them X 1.0 and X 2.0. Done. Don't you just love Silicon Valley, I sort of miss the high density of those sexy, marvelous geeks out there but alas all is well all I have to do is pick a trim and accent color. We can talk about the rebound thing tomorrow or the next day or some other time.