After all of that self indulgent, repugnant behavior about the color choices, when I finally realized it wasn't about the paint, actually had nothing to do with picking colors I could finally start to deal with the real issues. Everybody seemed to know this except me, right?
But isn't it true, you think your shit is about one thing, usually the obvious superficial problem or person that is currently in your face BUT upon hitting the wall repeatedly and deciding to excavate this phenomena (if you have any bandwidth for pain & reflection) you can get underneath to the juicy smelly stuff (your crap) and finally begin to get some real answers. I know it isn't fun or easy and in fact can be downright excruciating and expensive but oh, the freedom and joy on the other side. Priceless.
For ENQUIRER-ing minds, Top 3 issues around choosing exterior paint colors:
1. Commitment issues
SOLUTION = deal with break-up with X 1.0
2. Fear of getting it "wrong"
SOLUTION = revisit father issues
3. People pleasing
SOLUTION = decide what makes me happy
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