08 January 2010

10 X 10 oh yeah!


I'm back...what was I doing?  Well, a few friends and myself decided around Thanksgiving that we wanted to have 10x more fun this holiday season, so we planned and talked about it...and we did, the fun we had!  Other people started to want to get on board and join in making it, well...more fun. And because you know that energy follows energy the more fun I had the more fun I had...making it well 100x more fun.
So this year I suggest you try it you will have more fun and get so much more accomplished...don't know how that works but it does. Email in for tips!

Hung out with my neighbors played parlour games
Made big movement on the house
Won a gingerbread haus contest, came in 2nd in another
Had a big fun photo shoot in the gigantic storm til 4am
Decorated Mom's Xmas tree with Za
Went to movies
Had a couple of surprise checks come in
Put a least 50 logs on the fire
Decorated my house inside and out
Made tons of Christmas cookies,  gingersnaps R us
Created flower arrangements for brother and mother
Walked on the winter beach
Met new folks
Made some of my gifts
Made music CD's, sang Christmas tunes
Danced some more
Shoveled my neighbors' sidewalks during the first snow
Laughed stayed up late many nights having fun
Shoveled my parents circular driveway after the mini blizzard (2 hours)
Found my beautiful white Christmas Tree (need to find a Vintage Pom Pom silver one)
Danced at a sexy silly dance party
Stayed at Hedgerow
Planned parties and went to parties
Gave to WRNI public radio - you should too
Made delicious mushroom pate´ recipe ask me
Let people go before me in line at the supermarket Christmas Eve
Dipped dozens of fat strawberries in dark chocolate
Gave to Salvation Army every time they asked
Wrapped presents for other people
Sent presents and cards in the mail
Gave generously to someone I was honked off at
Wore a Santa hat in public
Wore fresh flowers in my hair
Had a 100x more fun and so much more
AND the best part fell in love on a blue moon new years eve..
Now back to the house and more fun & more love!