31 October 2009

Spooky Time est arrivé

In honor of Halloween I have had the house is primed this undead corpse color because I thought I was going with a UPS brown for the body color during my 'depressed' phase, the primer was tinted brown, started to be applied and I realized that I hated the density/darkness. Raced Adler's to pick up white primer so Regino (el heffe) could lighten it so  I could change my mind to a different color. Notice the many shades of muck, nice.

To make the situation just a little more freaky, I had the rumination that maybe I can wait til spring to paint the body - psychotic interlude #17 22.

 The Freudian school of thought postulates that unconscious fantasy represents the conflicts, drives and wishes underlying human experiences, in particular, those related to sexuality, birth, intrauterine existence, primal scene, castration and seduction and that these may be transformed into works of art through any number of artistic means (Trosman, 1990).