31 October 2009

Spooky Time est arrivé

In honor of Halloween I have had the house is primed this undead corpse color because I thought I was going with a UPS brown for the body color during my 'depressed' phase, the primer was tinted brown, started to be applied and I realized that I hated the density/darkness. Raced Adler's to pick up white primer so Regino (el heffe) could lighten it so  I could change my mind to a different color. Notice the many shades of muck, nice.

To make the situation just a little more freaky, I had the rumination that maybe I can wait til spring to paint the body - psychotic interlude #17 22.

 The Freudian school of thought postulates that unconscious fantasy represents the conflicts, drives and wishes underlying human experiences, in particular, those related to sexuality, birth, intrauterine existence, primal scene, castration and seduction and that these may be transformed into works of art through any number of artistic means (Trosman, 1990). 


  1. I happen to love brown ... all shades of brown. It's not depressing but RICH. And the amazing thing about brown is that you can dress it up or brighten it up with virtually anything, i.e. it's versatile, too!! Okay, so I'm talking about clothes (and perhaps soil), and you're talking about houses. But since we're ALL exploring metaphors, why not???

    p.s. i really do love brown.

  2. (As recorded by The O'Jays)

    People all over the world, join hands
    Start a love train, color train
    People all over the world, join hands
    Join a color train, love train

    The next stop that we make will be Vonipcreed
    Tell all the folks in Adlers and Freudian Schools,
    Don't you know that it's time to get on paintin
    And let this train keep on riding, riding on through

    People all over the world, join hands
    Start a love train, color train
    People all over the world, join hands
    Join a love train, love da colors train

    girl you love color, i still hold you are in the passion of happiness with color, it all looks great, you just love all of 'em, like children you can't have a favorite, cuz each one is so delightful!Brown, gray, green, blue, blue green, earthy, feng shui, your way to happiness, watch your inner compass closely, forget the other opinions, you have soul, be groovy where you stand

  3. " Kuler is a web-based color tool from Adobe that has thousands of community-generated color themes from which you can search, but the best thing about Kuler is that you can easily make your own themes. Once you register with Kuler (it's very quick), you can begin to create your own color themes or palettes and store, view, and retrieve all your saved themes in your personal Mykuler space. There are two ways to create unique color themes: either by selecting a single color on the color wheel as your base color and building off of that, or by importing an image from Flickr or your hard disk and extracting harmonious combinations from the image." more visit article,

  4. colors are appearences - the real color change is inside you; progress is manifested by choice - but the real choices are deeply internal. The house looks great and the movement seems to be an opening for you.

  5. Your tag of "psychotic interludes" made me spit the water I was drinking out my mouth. You do have the best tags. (And pretty dang good pictures, too. Loved the photos of the 'crew' in the previous post.)

  6. I think the ouline is great and I like the
    spacing and sizing of your photo's and text...
    I like the fruedian quote and it's ramifications.....I also like your color palet for the blog....
    You might feed this to some of the local papers such as the Providence Monthly or the Rhode island Monthly.....also a bunch of home improvement magazines....which escape me now.
    I would like to know more about the mechanics and financing involved with your indeavor...you
    mention you were receiving some help and that
    they were acting as the general Contractor....
    ...and how about the inside of the house...before photo's and after photos...
    also who are your supliers for materials other than Adler's.....whoose ever products you are using may be interested in having you show them in use....appliances, fixtures, countertops, etc...
    Also I would like to see you continue with the psycological babble and analysis of the emotions and consequences of renovating.
    You could try contacting the Real Estate Broker
    who sold you the house so they can show other people what can be done with these properties.l
    Or try the State of R.I. or the City of Providence, or local neighborhood websites to show people what can be done with these broken down properties and how you have conteributed t to the restoration of the neighborhood
