04 December 2009

'splain it to me!

Someone sent me a comment and said that my tag line for this blog should be "rearranging Providence interior and exterior" instead of "rearranging Providence inside and exterior."
I appreciate the attention to detail dear reader, and the reason I choose the words inside and exterior is this, I am referring to:
 rearranging my providence (or inner self )
 rearranging (or renovating) in Providence. 
It is a huge transition in my life from being on the West Coast for over 20 years in the film business and Apple to this giant rehab/house project in Providence. It was my intention to come here, get this house and pursue and produce my own creative projects instead of making it happen for other people and company's BUT not so fast little doggie. So many things happened that I couldn't have forseen, the delayed closing for 6 months, the economy, the break-up, the sellers that wouldn't leave the house that I had to evict with a sheriff and a drill, the listing realtor that won't give me my 10K deposit back and this mixed-up (trying not to swear) state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.
So I decided that if I started to blog about it, the blog would be would become my public journal/creative project/private gps combining writing, photography along with the rehab jive I am doing. As try to figure out, unscramble, decipher and interpret providence and Providence maybe all of this mishegas would make itself clear...thus the blog title:
Divine Vonipcreed 
an anagram for Providence, hmmm, maybe Vonipcreed should appear like this
Divine voniPcreed 
Should the people decide? leave a comment if you like.

In the meantime some portraits of some of my Brighton Street guys...
Prentice painter and everything guy

                                                    Fernando neighbor and gardener guru guy

Tom  Providence Revolving Fund guy      

Regino Painting Contractor guy