11 December 2009

Sister Ann and the Milkman

So last night driving home from the fundraiser for WRNI, "RI's NPR" which you should donate to right now  I realized the thing about voniPcreed is that you never really know how to connect the dots even if you think you do I actually believed all that happy horse do-do that they teach you in the 'regular' boring universe,

where the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, I vaguely remember something about the hypotenuse side of a right triangle. Ha!

And, according to Einstein, that gorgeous creature, (I had a huge crush) space-time is curve, so technically, the shortest distance between two points should be a curve line...OK, good, getting closer to understanding how things might work here in voniPcreed.
Then there is VoniPcreed poetry where I am coming to understand there is no equation, no balanced state, no rhyme and certainly no reason, no, no none of this in the creative capital all there is beautiful chaos – and Sister Ann and the Milkman....to be continued.

Chaos Theory


  1. You lost me on this one. I was okay, anticipating a story about Sister Ann and the Milkman, and then you ended. What did I miss?

  2. I should have added that I liked the graphics in this posting. The "follow the dot" exercise is great. Ever visit the Einstein statue in DC? It's hidden behind a bush directly across the street from the Vietnam Memorial. You could actually cuddle up in his lap!

  3. I'd like to post a photo to this blog (a nice one). How do I do that? Or perhaps you have an email address I can send it to?

  4. continue, continue! i agree that in rhode island, esp. vonipcreed, curves & chaos are the only way to your destination, or, without spitting out my whole life story, mine, at least... straight lines? that is sooo connecticut.
