22 November 2009

Over the hill and through the morass...

How fitting an article in the Projo should come out today practically a year to the date that I was packing the last of my stuff to move from Half Moon Bay, CA back to Providence,  (Vonipcreed) RI to close on a house.

Here's the story from the beginning I had sent in a check for $10,000 in earnest money with my offer in October 2008, and had a signed Purchase and Sales agreement to close for December 1st. I had always wanted my own home but prices in California eluded me by, well..a huge margin. Los Angeles has nutty amounts of Hollywood sheckles and Silicon Valley has ten thousand sexdecillion children under 22 making bushels of money so it wasn't happening there. I realized I wanted to be back on the east coast closer to my family, so finding this house was a dream come true...well not quite.

Two days before Thanksgiving last year I received a phone call from Jane my wonderful realtor that she had just discovered that Kathryn who signed the sales agreement did not actually hold the deed to the house but was assured by the listing broker Christine Adams. it could be switched over – no problem.  I was told not to worry by my brother that short sales could be a little complicated but not to worry. My attorney was now further looking into the title issues but all would be well. OK, good all is on track...All I had to do was drive cross country and fly home from the road if necessary to close on the house.
So I hit  the road...

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